Welcome to my first ever blog.

I hope you feel the same way as me, curious to learn new things.

My name is Rainer and work in security for more than 9 years now. In my jobs I cover a lot, to mention some like threat modeling, risk assessments, project management, network security, application security, physical security. Only after doing this process for some years I was able get my CISSP certification. I thought for some time now It will be a good idea to share my experience.

So here we are. This blog is called JASK or Just ask!

The articles shared can help in your daily jobs or maybe in figuring out something you cannot clearly understand. It can be beneficiary for you to ask questions in regards what you did not understand or ask regarding things not covered in the articles. I will try to update the content and by doing this we will help even others. In case the information required is broad I will try to explain it in a new article. To make the information more helpful I will include examples.

Well OK let start...